Miotto History

MIOTTOMiotto started its activation in 1987 in Florence, Italy. Miotto’s founders where in pursue of different design for human handmades in order to induce the feeling of uniqueness while simple, customers. During two decades Miotto gained & experience & specialty by its admirable designs for credible corporations around the world to start a new era of its professional life and in 2009 with the good of making a new life style for its customers which in fact was a life style with no stress yet replete with tranquility, began designing a wide range of relaxing products so that Miotto’s customers when using those products get relived fro, pressure & stress of life in 21st century and receiving a special relaxation; Miotto’s style of relaxation.

Miotto’s designers create any product that in necessary to make a good feeling for those who have chosen Miotto’s style of life and after production by credible manufacturers in Taiwan, Malaysia and china under precise supervision of Miotto’s engineers, bring them to customers. Miotto’s mission is to make a good feeling & real tranquility along with unique design for those valorize themselves and their level of life.